Profit Connect: Tie Your Team to Profitability [VIDEO]
In talking to hundreds of bank CEOs, I've heard the same repeated message. We've got good people. ...
I believe everyone wants to be good at what they do.
In this episode, I’ll show you how to avoid the two years of “we-they” game playing that happens after an acquisition that robs the deal of any potential of a positive ROI.
If you’re the kind of leader:
I’m going to show you three easy steps that banks like yours are using to align a new team within a few short months of the acquisition to bring a profit to your stakeholders quickly—and predictably—so you can deliver on your promises.
Step 1: Unlike job descriptions that have so little alignment with profit and are not very instructional about what is the highest and best use of time for each person to align to so that they can assure they are profitable, you instead need a job performance progress plan that has, in one or two pages, the secret formula to profitability for that position.
Step 2: Within weeks of an acquisition, once you have won their hearts and they are in love with your culture and team, you can introduce those job performance progress plans along with the education and coaching to make sure they change their behaviors so that they dramatically increase the results from their position.
Step 3: Build a system of blended learning with repetition that ties to recognition structures, one on ones and practice sessions, to make sure people begin to master their new behaviors.
Let’s repeat those three steps for clarity:
Make sure you tune in next time when I show you how to that handle extremely uncomfortable time when a few of your new team members know that they will not continue with you beyond the initial period because of duplicity so that they don’t destroy your culture for all those who remain.
In talking to hundreds of bank CEOs, I've heard the same repeated message. We've got good people. ...
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