You deserve to reignite and sustain your passion.
The banking business is getting tougher–exactly why your leaders need education and inspiration. Where do you get both? Events–explore your options to ignite your team!
For a limited time, get your copy of the book Breakthrough Banking Blueprint for FREE.
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Best Banks in America™ Super Conference
Breakthrough Banking™ Blueprint Conference
Permission to be Extraordinary® Summit
Lead the Transformation® Seminar
Profit-Rich Sales™ Seminar
Best Banks in America™ Super Conference
Are you ready to discover the REAL SECRETS that only the top performing banks know? -
How is it possible that they consistently reach the pinnacle and stay there year after year? -
Do you want to find out what are they doing differently? -
What if you could download their success formula and take it back to your bank?
There’s only one place where that can happen for you…
What if you could join the highest-performing bankers in the country in one place at one time? What if they shared their success secrets that you could bring back to your bank? Participate in the most exclusive gathering in the industry and discover the actions you can take to achieve even more elite banking performance.
Before The Emmerich Group, we were a really good bank with great numbers. Now, after a few short years, we have grown 68%, achieved a 37% ROE, and just hit the second-highest culture score in the nation. I could not be more pleased.”
C. Burson
President & CEO, Valley Bank of Commerce
Breakthrough Banking™ Blueprint Conference
What if your team LOVED Mondays? Is that even possible?
You bet it is! Discover how to transform your workplace into a Thank God It’s Monday powerhouse.
Develop a pipeline of high potential leads. Convert your people from order takers into business developers. Unleash secret-weapon strategies to revolutionize your sales culture and GROW DEPOSITS CONSISTENTLY.
Do you still have clients that actually lose you money? -
Do your team members understand how to go after low-cost deposits that stick? -
Is 100% responsibility an ongoing conversation or just an empty theory? -
Does the word “culture” resonate and do you know how to turn it into a verb? -
What if you could transform your bank into a place where “Thank God It’s Monday” became a celebratory reality?
“I’ve attended FOUR times, send ALL my managers, and we have experienced more growth since implementing what we’ve learned than in the previous five years combined! The growth of deposits and loans can only be described as a miracle and profits are up 44%. We just hit a ROA of 2.4.”
P. Steele
Chief Executive Officer, Builtwell Bank
Permission to be Extraordinary® Summit
Do you ever feel as though you wanted to play a bigger game? -
Is your current level of performance keeping you from running an “even better” performing bank? -
Are you frustrated by repeating patterns that keep your team stuck? -
Are you clear on the key mindsets and characteristics of top-performing executives that, once implemented, change the way you operate? -
Are you ready for a life changing program that will give you a new understanding of how to run a high performing bank?
Ready for the next level?
Take your senior executives on an incredible journey of new experiences, ideas and challenges that will catapult you to new heights–and raise your organization’s success to the highest possible level.
“Permission to be Extraordinary was the BEST executive leadership conference I have attended. It stretched me and made me reevaluate my role as a leader.”
S. Kouplen
Chief Executive Officer, Regent Bank
Lead the Transformation® Seminar
(Only available to client members)
Do you know how to align your team to their highest ROI activities and create results you’ve only ever dreamed possible? -
Are you ready to take the mystery out of your strategic plan and get your team members in action in service to your goals? -
Do you have stage appropriate accountability–progress that can be measured with ever-advancing education to improve performance at every stage? -
What if alignment meant that every person owned your revenue and profit numbers and knew how they tied to profit?
Looking for more accountability?
Lead the transformation and shift the culture within your organization through performance management and accountability systems–an absolute must for CEOs, senior executives and managers.
“Before Roxanne we had lost direction. We knew we needed growth and a culture shift. Since joining The Emmerich Group, our deposits are up 22%, our customer satisfaction rating is 9.90 out of 10, and we are experiencing our most profitable year on record. This is the best investment we’ve ever made.”
J. Burnett
Chief Executive Officer, Libertyville Savings Bank
Profit-Rich Sales™ Seminar
(Only available to client members)
Are you clear on what it means to be an executive of a “high-performing bank” (not the same at all as just being a “good banker”)? -
Are you ready to move your leaders out of the classroom and into real world scenarios that move the profit needle? -
Are your executives dialed into the soft skills needed to connect and build trust with prospects and clients? -
Do your people love to perform and feel driven by results? -
What are you doing to help your team overcome their limiting beliefs?
Teach your bank executives, commercial bankers, wealth management and top retail bankers to magnetically attract sales without ever giving away margins or fees again.
We set our goal to grow our core deposits by $1,000,000 a month, $12 million for the year, and through the first quarter…we are up $7 million. We believe what we are doing with The Emmerich Group is making a difference!”
S. Jones
Chief Executive Officer, Home State Bank