The Breakthrough Banking Blueprint
The “Franchise” System to Get to Top-of-Peer Performance and Stay There
This book serves as the secret foundation for all top-performing community banks in the country. Discover the secrets of ambitious, elite, high-performance banks!
From Mediocre to a Billion-Dollar Bank
“We’ve been using The Breakthrough Banking Blueprint for over a decade. It has literally taken us from a mediocre bank to a billion-dollar bank earning over a 2.00% ROA and 5% NIM, and it has brought us the safety and ease needed to weather any unexpected storms… I’m perplexed about why any community bank would go it alone without The Emmerich Group installing this system-especially during challenging times.”

P. Steele
Chief Executive Officer, Builtwell Bank

Thank God It’s Monday!®
Align Your Team Members to Profitability
Everything you need to know to build a high-performance culture and tie every team member’s activities to profitability. Your team will love contributing to your success and will never want to leave.
Every Employer Should Have This Book
“I love this book! Roxanne Emmerich’s ability to transform organizations is nothing short of miraculous. She’s the real deal. Every employer should have this book for every employee AND any person who wants to be happy at work needs to buy it for themselves.”

Jack Canfield
Author of The Success Principles & coauthor of the Chicken Soup for the Soul™ series

Profit-Growth Banking
How to Master 7 Breakthrough Strategies of Top-Performing Banks
Clear, step-by-step guidance creating the shortest path to massively improved profitability. Inside you’ll find:
- A proven sales system for sales and marketing that produces outstanding results every time
- A blueprint for creating breakthroughs that turn ordinary banks into top performers
- A way to double cross-sales results
- No-fail, practical tactics that can significantly increase both your top and bottom lines
- A method to triple the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and your sales people
- Means to craft customer retention into all you do
This Book is a Winner
“This book is an outstanding source of wisdom and strategy for all bank leaders who want to grow their teams from ‘order takers’ to persuasive sales professionals. It’s about time someone gave us such a work. Roxanne Emmerich is the recognized expert in the field, and this book is a winner!”

Nido R. Qubein
President at High Point University,
Executive Board Member, Truist

The Net Interest Margin Solution
How to Add 40-50 Basis Points in the Next 12 Months
REVEALED AT LAST…why you’re getting crushed by net interest margin and why changing the pricing equation is the only effective and permanent fix. Come along as New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Roxanne Emmerich shows you how.
Our Three-Year Goal for Net Income Was Realized in the First Year
“Our net interest margin is now over 5.0, an increase of over 40 basis points in the past year. Our three-year goal for net income was realized in the first year working with the Emmerich Group. We need to set our goals higher!”

C. Floyd
President & CEO, Dream First Bank

The Best Banks in America™
Case Studies – As Told By Their CEOs
Inside this book, eight top-performing banks reveal in their own words how they achieved significant growth and profitability while improving every metric, skyrocketing loan quality and taking employee engagement and accountability to a level they never imagined possible.