Deposit Webinar
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“Google Bank” about to steal YOUR core deposits?
“Wish You Had the SECRET BLUEPRINT You Can Use NOW to UNLOCK and Grow Low-Cost Core Deposits by 10, 20 or Even 30 Percent Per Year?”
Enemy forces have practically declared ‘WAR’ on YOUR Community Bank, leading to an epidemic core deposit crisis. Many have been forced into the ‘Rate-Advertising Death Spiral.’
You are Invited to ‘Take Up Arms’ and Fight Back by Attending the Breakthrough Webinar Called:
December 12th, 11AM CST
Webinar Presenter: Roxanne Emmerich
Founder of The Institute for Extraordinary Banking™, Editor of Extraordinary Banker® magazine and the CEO of The Emmerich Group®.
For 30 years she’s shaped the thinking and results of The Best Banks in America™.
In this eye-opening FREE webinar, you’ll discover how hundreds of Community Banks are…
- ✓ Locating and Closing Large Low-Cost Deposits while most community banks are locked into the deadly game of interest rate advertising and matching
- ✓ Growing Net Interest Margin by 40 to 100 basis points in less than 12 months while most community banks’ margins are shrinking fast due to an increasing cost-of-funds
- ✓ Transcending the fierce competition community bankers face from new non-bank competitors like Google, which WILL affect you soon, if it hasn’t already
“We landed $14 million in new deposits in just 60 days!”
—C. Holland, CEO, Farmers State Bank
Register for the LIVE WEBINAR Below
Can’t make the live date? When you register, we will email you the recording within 48 hours.
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