Because Results Matter

Managing people demands much more than simply being a good banker. The High-Performance Executive Development™ Program will cultivate your executives’ inner game and soft skills to convert them into outstanding leaders who continuously focus on accountability and driving results.

Trusted Advisor Program

Book your strategy call now

Convert your current executives into high-performing leaders with excellent people skills who continously best their competitors and drive your bank to becoming a Top 5 Percenter™.

For more information right now, call us at (952) 737-6730

Unleash an executive team of Top 5 Percenters™

Unlike banker schools that focus exclusively on learning about banking, you need your leaders to master the skills of results-driven performance and total accountability. You want the kind of outstanding leadership that can only come from The High-Performance Executive Development™ Program.

Move the profit needle

Move your executives out of the classroom and into real-world scenarios that positively impact your bottom line.

Overcome limiting beliefs

Crack the code on removing mental blocks, minimize limiting thinking, and create a culture of winners.

Participate in hands-on workshops

Unlock the secrets of high performance through immersive, interactive sessions with elite bankers.

Embrace performance and results

Teach your executives how to embrace a high-performance culture and become personally driven by ongoing results.

Master soft skills

Turn your executives into professionals with highly developed people skills that build trust with both prospects and clients.

Benefit from proven techniques

Adopt the approach of Top 5 Percenter™ bankers and discover the cutting-edge procedures to join their ranks.

Roxanne Emmerich Permission To Be Extraordinary Conference

Roxanne says, “High performance will be a given.”

Roxanne Emmerich taught incoming CEOs how to become a banking CEO at the Colorado School of Banking.

She was also the top-rated adjunct faculty member at the University of Wisconsin Management Institute where she taught executives of Fortune 500 companies for over 10 years.

For more information right now, call us at (952) 737-6730

What High Performance Executive Development Program Participants Said

B. Penney, CEO, Marine Bank
“The High-Performance Bank Executive Program is like no other executive development program. It makes us examine ourselves inside-out and become a better version of ourselves.”
C. Holland, Chief Executive Officer, Farmers State Bank of Alto Pass
“The professional development I gained from the High-Performance Bank Executive Program is better than any other program I have attended.”
L. Harrison, President & CEO, Virginia Partners Bank
“As a direct result of the Executive Development Program, we’ve experienced a much higher level of accountability within our executive team and senior leaders. That’s created big results for the bank—one of our most successful years ever.”

For more information, call us at (952) 737-6730