The Best Banks in America have one secret in common.


The best hiring tool designed for banks.



Hiring System

You Can Hire Better

Personality testing doesn’t work. In fact, research shows that 8O% of the competencies that lead to success in the workplace are emotional intelligence based, not personality or behavioral based.

The ZERORISK Hiring System blends revolutionary behavioral science with state-of-the-art technology to reduce unwanted turnover, improve employee performance, and hire top talent. Using proven best practices, the ZERORISK Hiring System talent management software manages the entire employee selection and interview cycle to help your company achieve bottom-line results.

Candidate Assessment

2O-Minute Candidate Assessment Test.

Customer Portal

Easy-to-Use Customer Portal.

Hiring Benchmarks

Over 100 Banking Specific Hiring Benchmarks.

Candidate Overview

Overview of Candidate’s Strengths and Weaknesses.

Interview Guide

Behavioral-Based Interview Guides


Data Analytics for Performance Measurement

Dedicated Team

A Dedicated Client Services Team.

Applicant Tracking

Applicant Tracking System Integration.

Recieve Your Free Hiring Assessment

Test-Drive the ONLY emotional-intelligence assessment designed for banks

For qualified banks: Get two free assessments and over 100 key financial industry position benchmarks based on a predictability study,

For more info right now, call us at (952) 737-6730

Hiring Rock Stars Program

N. Grigsby, President, Farmers State Bank
“One of the key phrases of our strategic plan is: “Do more with less.” We’ve done just that. That shows up in our culture scores, and it shows up in our productivity, based on the amount of assets under management per employee. And because we’re doing more with less, we have higher-paid people.
B. Grimstad CEO, Decorah Bank and Trust
“We’ve always had a good culture but especially the last few years it’s been wonderful and people have wanted to come to work for us because they hear the good things we’re doing, and we have Roxanne and her approach to culture transformation to thank for that.”
A. Tubbs, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Ohnward Bank & Trust
“I’ve always said that if our competitors got hold of Roxanne’s information, we’d be in trouble. Fortunately, we found her first. Roxanne’s system works–especially during times like these.

For more information, call us at (952) 737-6730