The Power of Cross-Sales—How to Do Them Without Being Salesy
I attended my first bank CEO conference several decades ago. You know what the theme was when people talked about cross-sales? They said, "My people are still order...
Something’s gotta give. New research shows that employees are exhausted to the core. The stresses of the workplace are so far beyond the good ol’ days. Remember when we used to take lunches together every day off site? Me neither. Well, it’s been a long time, anyway.
And trends have a way of, well…trending. The load isn’t likely to lighten anytime soon.
As a leader, how do you help keep your people sane and continue performance breakthroughs?
Start by getting rid of the pointless obligations that cost time and effort without producing results. I call this a radical obligectomy, and it’s a do-it-yourself operation. Start by making not a “to-do” list, but a “get rid of” list. Better yet, get your people thinking of their own “get rid of” lists.
Giving your people permission to slash and burn anything that isn’t getting new customers or making the experience great for a customer helps to keep them focused externally. In a world where organizations constantly shift back to the internal minutiae of spreadsheets, unnecessary reports, unnecessary meetings, and frivolous projects that don’t fit the strategies, or 27 steps when three would do…well, that’s when it’s time for spring cleaning, no matter what season it is.
Just make sure they’re clear that you’re in business to constantly upgrade the quality of your customers, to find new ones, and to take great care of ones you have. Those things never get cut.
I attended my first bank CEO conference several decades ago. You know what the theme was when people talked about cross-sales? They said, "My people are still order...
Sometimes, two different ideas seem to challenge each other. You've probably heard me say that everyone has a role in managing the culture of the organization. You've...
I don't care what your position is; you have a sales position. Why? Let's say you're out with other soccer moms, and somebody mentions they're planning on building a...
When I was working on my graduate studies in organizational development, I learned about the concept of learned helplessness. What I've discovered is that it’s a...
Ken Blanchard wrote several books years ago and conducted a research study. What he found was that the number one concern for business owners was the lack of people...
Do you feel good about yourself when you help other people? What if you could get your team excited about having your clients acquire all the products and services...
Whenever I do the Breakthrough Banking Blueprint Conference, I ask the question “Who here is in marketing”, and one or two hands go up. I ask again, “Who here is in...
It’s a whole new playing field out there. With AI we now have the tools to find your next best customers, but if you don’t bring wisdom to the tools, you have more...
We know that for banks that have 2 billion in assets that anywhere between 50 to 140% of their profits come from their top 100 most profitable customers. But the real...
Several years ago, there was a gentleman who came into our boot camp, and he was an EVP of a bank on the West Coast. He told me that they had hired a firm, spent...