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How to Stop “Running” Your Bank and Start Growing It

by | Policies and Procedures

Ever feel like you’re so busy “running” your bank that you have no time to improve and grow your bank?

What if it was so efficient that you actually had time to create strategies and see that they are implemented correctly?

This is your chance to make it happen.  It’s strategic planning time, and you need to connect your plan to the systems for getting all those results you want…to the accountabilities you’ll need, so your people know exactly how to deliver their piece of the plan every day.

You need to focus your time on managing the systems you put in place rather than actually performing the daily activities within your bank.

Without all three of those pieces linked together—strategy, systems, and accountability—your plan will be just that…a plan. You won’t achieve the results.

In today’s video, I show you how to create effective systems in your bank and how to monitor them to ensure they are never in a breakdown.

Before you watch the video, you’ll want to download the Strategic Planning Blueprint—a 30-minute audio “toolkit” for building a plan that’s clear, connected to outcomes, with accountability driven down to every person in the bank.

In the Blueprint you’ll discover:

  • Three ways the regulators will dissect your plan, plus, how to know now if your plan will measure up
  • Why almost every bank misses the mark with their mission and vision statements.
  • How to “diagnose” your current plan and what to do to fix it, to ensure completion of all plan elements next year.
  •  What to do when your progress stalls. (Note: This little secret could be what saves your year next year.)
  • A “blueprint” for an effective strategic plan.

>>YES! I want this FREE blueprint<<

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