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The Sure-Fire Way to Stop Disorienting Your Best Salespeople—and Help Them Massively Succeed.

by | Sales Training

sales-trainingIt’s consistent…The one thing that most banks do wrong is sales training. In fact, in most cases, it is a train wreck.

Most banks are screaming for loan growth. But they’re not going to get it.

They think the only way to achieve that growth is to do traditional sales training.

Never, in the history of time has that ever worked. No really…never.

In talking with top-performing bank executives every week, I’ve heard at least 1,000 executives tell me over the years something like, “We spent $400,000 on sales training…not only did it not work…it made things worse.”

It’s like the guy who tries to fix his glasses with a hammer…wrong tool.

When you bring in outside sales trainers, they historically disorient everyone and cause more harm than good.

Most “sales training” misses the boat—causing lenders and everyone else to lose their confidence and, quite frankly, feel like they need a polyester plaid jacket.

Enough already…it is not about quotas, dealing with objections and number of calls.

It’s about calling on the right people, having the right conversations—the ones whereby the prospect falls in love with you and what your unique selling propositions will do for them whereby they’re willing to pay you 50 to 150 basis points more and a fee…and switch all their accounts…and bring their friends.

That’s right. All of that with a few calls. Tell me about any traditional sales training that creates that result…

You’re right. It doesn’t.

It does happen, however, with a much more sophisticated sales education process that is integrated with key strategies, target marketing to optimal psychographics, accountability to a process that works, and celebration for key results.

Let me back up on this. Training is for monkeys—it’s about what to do. Education is about how to be. Effective relationships with your clients come about through educating your people about how to be and giving them understanding that builds confidence that you are the only choice your prospect should consider.

Then, do you remember that old song about the hip bone being connected to the knee bone? (Me neither, I’m far too young too…)

Well, you need to connect all of your parts—your strategies, target marketing, hand raise processes, warming systems, focused unique selling propositions, accountability to systems that work, and celebration of critical drivers and key needles moving.

Then, and only then, can you add the right kind of sales education that allows for your lenders to get 50 to 150 basis points more—tied to a sales process that holds them accountable to following that exact process.

While lenders are busy telling you “loan demand dried up”—they should instead know exactly how to target A+ quality credits and get premium pricing, all their business, and all their friends. Don’t tell us it can’t be done…while we’re busy doing it.

Those who can’t do it should get out of the way of those who understand a whole different game is being played…

If you’re not working with The Emmerich Group yet, you should be! I’ve been fighting with how to do a call program for 20 years

people just go out and try to stick their head in the door to get a name on the list so they don’t look bad when they come in to the call meeting, but there was never really a way to measure the effectiveness of the calls. This ACES process does that. It was like the lights went off.

I can’t wait to see where we are six months from now.”

—K. Burgess | Chairman of FirstCapital Bank of Texas
and Chairman of the ABA Community Bankers Council

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How do you get organic growth and premium pricing when your lenders are telling you  “loan demand dried up”

…and “we need to match the rates to get  the business”?

Stop everything.

What you are doing is not working and more harping and begging won’t change that.

There are lenders who are getting substantial premium pricing on and growing their portfolio with A+ quality credits—so stop pretending it can’t be done.

Clear your calendar for my Profit-Growth Banking™ Summit, where I’ll be working personally with banks like yours that want to get to and stay in the top 5%–to take you further and get there faster.

Do not register unless you are committed to a breakthrough.

Register Your Team Today!

Click Here For Details or call (952) 820-0360 to register.

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