News Flash—Markets Don’t Dictate Premium Pricing [VIDEO]
Every time I meet a new bank CEO, I hear the same thing I’ve heard from thousands of other bank CEOs before. They say, “Roxanne, it’s different here.” Here, we have to...
I believe people don’t like hassles. Who does?
Whether it’s at work, at home, or out shopping. But it’s a dangerous attitude among your people because it causes them to not put 100% into their sales conversations.
In this video, I’m going to show you how your people (like many bankers before them who couldn’t, but now do) can get 6–7 cross-sales and all the deposits in a way that never feels sales-y.
As always, there is some work ahead and three challenges in particular that you need to look out for:
EVERY bank is facing at least one of these—join the club. Now let’s work together to knock the issues down one at a time.
In “in and out” sales training, a training cycle lasts a few months and then, if there was any increase, you can count on it going away within the next few months. To generate sustained positive results in sales, you need a cultural transformation to get people winning and loving it.
To do that, it needs extreme integration with a well thought out, long-term intentional-congruence system. You’ve heard the sad story from thousands of bank executives who attempted sales training only to find it didn’t work unless you define “working” as the carnage of losing a third of their teams. It’s not your fault—sales training companies keep selling it as if it could work.
One sales training company actually put a client’s logo on their website after two years of losses in their sales training attempts. After just a few years of our process, they are now in the SNL top 100 performers. Sadly, unsuspecting bankers see the logo and think they actually created the good results with their sales training.
Have you ever heard a bank executive tell you that sales training’s impact was doubling or tripling cross-sales while getting dramatic growth with premium pricing on better quality customers? As they say, “said no banker EVER.”
UNLIKE so many false-attempt sales training, you have to get your people to come from their heart space—a place of extreme caring for the customer. With that as a base, they can then learn to ask questions in the order of how people like to buy what they need.
Until they get the impact that what they are really doing is:
…they will always feel like it is sales-y and the client will feel it too.
Create an ever-increasing accountability and visibility system. Most sales programs end up causing at least a third of the team members to run for the hills. That’s completely unnecessary and very unproductive.
The problem is that sales training must be integrated with a true understanding of cultural transformation at a deep level where people are learning how to be—holding each other accountable, celebrating success and learning to “live their word” by understanding that their promises and commitments are how they reveal their character.
The key is that every day and every week, as the blended learning of online, offline, coaching and practicing happens integrated with a management system and “stage appropriate” accountability, a predictable weekly improvement is imminent. Remember, you don’t have a sales training issue—you have a confidence issue.
Again, three steps to a solid foundation of community bank sales culture transformation:
1) Ongoing cultural transformation with extreme integration.
2) Get team members “at cause” to bring extreme value from transactional to transformational.
3) Develop a progressive accountability and visibility system that builds confidence.
By doing this, you can sleep at night knowing your well-educated team can “connect” with prospects and customers effectively — attracting all the deposits you need CONSISTENTLY, and unhooking from the dependence on results based on the economy or rate environment.
To your continued success,
Roxanne Emmerich
Please watch the video above and share it with your exec team and board.
P. S. Challenging times are proven as the moment to pull ahead. It’s your time to build massive core deposits and A+ quality loan growth at premium pricing. The New Game of Banking Guide is designed to help ignite your bank’s performance. Get your copy.
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