by The Emmerich Group | Dec 29, 2011 | High Performance
The key to repeat customers is relationships. Relationships are established and maintained through communication and follow through. In a “one to many” job such as yours, having a good system for customer follow-up is crucial to keeping your relationships healthy....
by The Emmerich Group | Oct 20, 2011 | Customer Satisfaction, Customer Success
Here Are Five Ways to Improve Your Bottom Line and Customer Satisfaction 1) Bundle your products so there are no apple to apple comparisons: “Our 7-year mortgage program happens to come with free checking, free bill pay, free Internet banking, a free debit card...
by The Emmerich Group | Mar 17, 2011 | Customer Success, Sales & Marketing, Sales Process
Anyone who has seen The Sound of Music knows there are seven notes in the musical scale, from ‘do’ (a deer) to ‘ti’ (a drink with jam and bread). But do your salespeople know about the seven notes on the sales question scale? Not all questions are the same. Just as...
by The Emmerich Group | Mar 10, 2011 | Customer Success, Sales Process
Anybody who walks into your bank has got a real problem. People without problems don’t wake up in the morning and say, “Today is a good day to spend talking to a banker,” any more than they would decide to talk to a doctor for kicks. People without...
by The Emmerich Group | Mar 3, 2011 | Customer Success
One of the best side effects of the recession is the long, hard look consumers are taking at their financial habits. Nine credit cards and three mortgages might not have been such a boffo plan after all. We also see the rebirth of a virtue of the past—saving. Even if...