by The Emmerich Group | Jul 21, 2022 | Culture, Profitability and Growth, Strategic Planning
What’s the biggest mistake made during a strategic planning day? That’s easy. Lack of intentional congruence. In other words, there’s a whole bunch of stuff on the paper, but it doesn’t match. I remember when I was a young mother, and my mother...
by The Emmerich Group | May 12, 2022 | Strategic Planning
Loan growth. Ears of bank CEOs across the country perk up when those two words are spoken, especially now in 2022. But there’s a caveat to that as well. Grow loans too quickly and regulators will be all over you, assuming all manner of misdeeds. Too slowly and...
by The Emmerich Group | Aug 5, 2021 | Culture, Profitability and Growth, Strategic Planning
If you knew what the very top-performing banks knew, could you become a top-performing bank? I think there’s a strong possibility. In banking, there are some secrets that many of the top-performing banks hold close to their chest because they don’t want...
by The Emmerich Group | Jul 29, 2021 | Culture, Profitability and Growth, Strategic Planning
If strategic plans actually exist to create predictable growth, profit, and bank culture, why is it that most of them do the opposite? Why is it that in most banks in America, the strategic plans don’t get implemented? Why do I hear from hundreds of bank CEOs...
by The Emmerich Group | Sep 17, 2012 | Strategic Planning
The coming bank consolidation has been predicted for years. In fact, the next 18 months are destined to be a major “shake out” period when weak banks will be acquired or closed—and banks who are in a position to capture the best customers in town will...